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Competent beyond competence; Fanny sprinkles creativity into her digital strategy and digital strategy into creativity. Here is her story:


Thom : How did you discover design as a vocation?

Fanny : Marketing in itself I discovered through various internships. I’d realized working with several companies that I really enjoyed the work and that this could be something for me. What’s more is that it fit in nicely with my studies in art and literature. It was a nice combination that I appreciated.

T : If we continue with your origin story : how did you get started at Click?

F : I’d never worked in the digital space before when I was in France. Once I moved to Montreal and started working with my last agency, then I got into everything digital. The funny thing about Click was that I joined 100% remotely. I went a long time without meeting people in person. I really enjoy working from home but there’s something to be said about going out, meeting and seeing people we work with – especially outside of the context of work. That’s been really cool!

Working 100% remotely has been an interesting experience. I never would have imagined that that would be my reality. There are many of us in this situation. When we filmed our first video, it was the first time that I was seeing all of my colleagues.

T : My next question would be : what aspect of your job are you most passionate about?

F : For me, being in an agency (versus working for a company), is about the variety of projects we get to work on. I think it’s super cool because you have to be a chameleon and know how to adapt to each client, and different ways of doing things.
What I also enjoy about my work is that we learn and discover new things all the time: new methods, new outlooks, new ways of doing things – it’s always challenging! You have to be curious, which I am, and that’s what I love about it! There’s novelty everyday.

T : My next question is: what has been your experience as a woman in this industry?

F : For me, at Click, I don’t really feel it, which is new. From an industry perspective and looking at Communications generally, it hasn’t been a problem. The funny thing about Click is that, prior to joining, I worked exclusively with women. It wasn’t necessarily by choice either, that just seemed to be the norm. I tend to have more affinity with men than with women so it’s been nice to be able to work with both because I did not have that opportunity before. On the creative side, we tend to see more women, whereas on the performance side there tends to be more men: we can see that split at Click, can’t we?

T : Yes, that’s true!

F : Luckily, there are a few men on the creative side and women on the performance side but the fact remains that within our teams, everything is mixed up. It’s been nice because, depending on people’s personality, I think it can get boring working only with men or only with women. So, I’ve had a good experience in the digital space where it’s been a bit more diverse than my previous roles where I only worked with women.

T : That’s awesome to hear! If you had one wish over the next 5-10 years, what would it be?

F : Without getting too specific, it would be to continue to flourish in my work and to keep my sense of curiosity and my desire to be challenged. I want to grow and evolve with Click. That would be awesome.

T : Wow! Thank you so much, Fanny!

You want to join the perfect team like Fanny? Applying is step one!

Thomas Mihelich-Morissette

Author Thomas Mihelich-Morissette

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