Google Adwords
Why invest on Google Adwords?
Here's why!
Did you know that 64,6% of the clicks with purchasing intentions derive from Google AdWords? The platform allows you to be on the first page of Google in one click!
How does it work? With a good selection of keywords, chosen to be consistent with your products and services!
The principle seems simple, but competition for keywords is increasingly intense.
Very very intense.
An exhaustive analysis of your market is crucial to choose and delete the correct keywords. But no need to panic!
At Click & Mortar, we monitor your market and we make 100% sure that our campaigns attract your potential costumers.
Click & Mortar's personal touch
The type of team to put heart and soul into work, determined to achieve your goals! Beware of our contagious enthusiasm.
Before Click & Mortar
The competition for keywords is fierce and the prices are increasingly high. If your campaign is poorly executed, you could be paying too much for too little results!
With Click & Mortar
Our team of experts analyses your market, your goals, your target and your budget to establish your campaign’s strategy. We will choose the exact keywords for you.
Still not convinced?
Click & Mortar's recipe
A formula to fit any type of business, from the SME to the big players!
Cancel at any time
Not satisfied with your results? You can cancel your package anytime with a 30 day advance notice. Even if our complaints department is empty!
Only the best and the brightest
Web marketing is in constant change. That’s why our team is always on the lookout for the best strategies and techniques of the industry.
Transparency and training
Transparency is really important to us. We use fully interactive dashboards that allow you to visualize and understand the results of our work.
It will click between us
Meet our wonderful team.
Our Clients, our Family
Already more than 55 satisfied customers. Join our family!
Some FAQ
Our answers to your questions.
How will you measure my Return on Investment?
It’s very easy to evaluate the ROI of your Google Ads campaign. (Sales from your ads – Advertising expenses) / Advertising expenses
What is the turnaround time to launch my new campaigns?
For a Geek package, the first month is for the creation of the campaign. Your advertising campaign will be launched in the second month. For a custom made package, the turnaround time can be adjust according to your needs!
How do I know if Google Adwords is right for my product?
Indeed, Google Adwords is not an adequate strategy for all businesses. If you doubt, do not worry. It is possible for you to consult one of our experts for free to guide you to the marketing strategy that best suits your needs!