A Structure
for the Digital Era
Our mission has always been to help companies who share our values stand out in the digital space. To bolster the synergy amongst our teams, innovate and constantly improve our solutions, we have combined performance marketing, digital creativity, data, and management into 4 departments in order to offer fully integrated support to our clients. Our competitive advantage resides in the coming together of these 4 areas of expertise.
The Operations Department
The Management Department is made up of experienced entrepreneurs such as our Partners, our Team Leads, and our Human Resources whose goal it is to help determine the organization’s general direction and to ensure that our objectives are met.
The Performance Department
Our Performance Department is made up of technical marketers that have field knowledge of each of the acquisition channels. As such, we’re not only concerned about the technical aspects of the campaigns’ implementation and optimization, but we are also involved in coming up with new solutions and processes that fit with the market’s ever-evolving trends.
The Creativity Department
The Creativity Department is a department that faces multiple challenges, which we overcome through unmistakable fun times. Our motto : providing creative value in a field of analytical origins. Our creative team is namely involved in creating ads, content and community management. It is made up of Copywriters and Graphic Designers who understand the iterative philosophy of digital marketing.
The Data Department
Our team is made up of engineers who leverage the data at our disposal via data science and engineering. Their goal is to provide their fellow team members with the information they need to make the best optimization decisions by answering tangible questions with the help of statistical models.